Chetwynde School, Croslands, Rating Lane, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA13 0NY

01229 824210

Chetwynde School

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience

  1. News
  2. Primary
  3. Primary shout outs!

Primary shout outs!

24 April 2020 (by admin)

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Hello everyone! 

Here are our first ‘shout outs’ from our KS2 teachers. Well done to everyone who has sent us their fabulous work this week. New work will be uploaded tomorrow, ready to start on Monday. Make sure you have the weekend free to relax and play! 

Year 6 - Harvey for an amazing WW2 timeline 


Year 5 - all of the children who contributed to Mrs Tranter’s memory book as she starts her maternity leave


Year 4 - Lois for her amazing Viking longboat and Maisie M for working independently on her PowerPoint all about the Anglo Saxons 


Year 3 - Damon for approaching all his home school tasks with enthusiasm, Josiah for a lovely video of his walk, Joshua for his PowerPoint all about Portugal


Mrs Bell’s shout outs  - Ben Hodgson - for accessing the numeracy IDL before I even had a chance to explain what it was...very eager! Well done!